Psyllium (Active ingredient)

Originating in India and Iran, the psyllium is an ally of choice to fight the constipation and to improve the intestinal transit. The Egyptians already employed it at the 10th century before J. - C. like laxative and treatment of the ignitions of the urinary tracts. The Indians and the Chinese used psyllium to treat the hemorrhoids, the diarrhea and hypertension. The properties of psyllium, that it is fair (plantago ovata) or black (plantago psyllium), are contained in mucilage of seeds. In contact with water, this mucilage will inflate and give a viscous liquid. It is this phenomenon which takes place in the intestine: the psyllium acts like a gel, increasing the bolus. They facilitate the intestinal transit thus and increase the feeling of satiety. Today, the experts recognize the virtues of psyllium. Thus, this medicinal herb is useful not only in the event of constipation but also to slightly reduce the cholesterol level in blood and to prevent the cardiovascular diseases.
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