P.O.P : Discover products
The P.O.P. (Pure Oyster Flesh Powder) is a food supplement made by the French ITC laboratories. It consists of 100% natural oyster flesh powder, belonging to a Portuguese oyster variety produced in the Arcachon basin, in France.

The POP supplement, a polyvitamin and full of minerals, is a complete nutrient from the sea which contains the vital force of the sea and gives you back the essential elements present in the flesh of the oyster, in particular: calcium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur, magnesium, iron, potassium, bromine, copper, cobalt, phosphorus, iodine, zinc ...

Ideal for its minerals and for revitalising the body, the food supplement P.O.P. is particularly recommended for intellectual (exams, studies) or physical efforts, as well as for the elderly or for convalescents.
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