POP (oyster meat powder), Parcel

from P.O.P
(On stock)
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The greatest life force of the sea, elite foods, POP oyster flesh is recommended for children, adolescents and elderly.

POP: multivitamin supplement

POP dietary supplement (P ure P O Flesh yster owder) consists of flesh powder belonging to Portuguese oyster variety produced in France in the Arcachon basin.

Real shield against the evils of modern life, POP contains everything that makes a complete food: proteins, carbohydrates, lipids.
What does this particular POP, it is the rare metals and metalloid content in the huge plasma that constitutes the sea: calcium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur, manganese, iron, potassium, bromine, copper, cobalt, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, zinc ...


Multivitamin and remineralizing, complement POP adapts and provides solutions to very many diseases, helping the body regain its balance in all circumstances.


The food supplement P.OP. is particularly recommended: for children, School, Students (examinations), adults with many activities or responsibilities, sporting (competitions), convalescents, the elderly, and anyone in need of a significant supply of amino acids, salts calcium, phosphorus and associated vitamins.


Take 3-6 capsules (or more as needed), with a cold or warm liquid, in the middle of the two main meals.


Per capsule: 250 mg of Portuguese Oysters powder (the entire edible part is used - the shell is excluded).
Free of any additives.

Special precautions

Keep dry.
Cons-indications: for people with a thyroid problem, seek advice from a doctor regarding the presence of iodine in the Portuguese oyster.


Box of 450 capsules
Net weight: 144 g

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POP (oyster meat powder)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

tout à fait en rapport avec mes attentes
POP (oyster meat powder)
> 65 years Gender
4 5

Je prends ce produit depuis longtemps et j'aime beaucoup
POP (oyster meat powder)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

J'utilise le P.O.P depuis maintenant plusieurs décennies, c'est un produit que je recommande fortement, complet, riche en oligo-éléments ,il booste l'organisme ,
POP (oyster meat powder)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

très bon produit correspond à ce que je désirai
POP (oyster meat powder)
5 5

Très bon produit qui procure beaucoup d’énergie que je conseille aux personnes fatiguées ou convalescentes.
POP (oyster meat powder)
5 5

Très bonne note
Je ne passe pas commande pour l’instant
POP (oyster meat powder)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Voilà de nombreuses années que je prends du P.O.P aux changements de saisons (automne - hiver); il me semble que j'aborde les mois considérés en meilleure forme, moins fatigué.
POP (oyster meat powder)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Excellent produit pour retrouver des forces
POP (oyster meat powder)
> 65 years Gender
4 5

Je suis obligé de prendre 4 gélules par jour (1000 mg) pour empêcher la fibromyalgie d'évoluer vers la paralysie.
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