Powders bays of Goji BIO, 200 g

from Purasana
(Soon available)
Soon available

Natural source of vitamins essential and carotenoid, bay powder of goji offer a delicious soft flavor sweet-bitter.

Natural source of vitamins essential and carotenoid, bay powder of goji offer a delicious soft flavor sweet-bitter.

Bays of powder goji for booster rocket your drinks.The bays of goji have been used for more than 3000 years in Asian medicine.They are juicy bays orange red which push on shrubs, at the origin in Asia. The bay powder of goji Purasana is a powder freeze-dried with the delicious flavor soft-bitter, just like the fresh bays.The bays of goji contain essential vitamins naturally and are rich carotenoids.


To add 3 coffee spoons in 300ml drink (smoothie, milkshake, fruit juice…) or to powder on a yoghourt, a dish or a dessert.


Freeze-dried biological goji (Lycium barbarum) of Tibet powders.Gluten-free, without lactose, soya.


Average nutritional values for 100g:
   energy value: 2324 kJ/555 kcal
  • fat content: 5,55g
  • glucids: 100g*
  • fibers: 11,1g*
  • proteins: 22,1g*
  • salt: 0,83g (natural sodium)*
  • vitamin a: 1496 µg (187%*)*
  • vitamin C: 45,5mg (56%*)* B1 vitamin - thiamin: 1,52mg (138%*)*
  • B2 vitamin - riboflavin: 9,35mg (667%*)* B6 vitamin - riboflavin: 1,67mg (119%*)*
  • carotene: 196mg
Apport of reference for a adult-type.

Special precautions

To preserve at dryness and to close again the bag well after each use.


Bag 200g

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