Goji Berries - bag BIO, 200 g

from Purasana
(Soon available)
Soon available

Small elongated red fruits, goji berries are among the Super Fruit, a line of dried fruit that invite to a healthy and delicious snack.

Small elongated red fruits, goji berries are among the Super Fruit, a line of dried fruit that invite to a healthy and delicious snack.

Goji berries, a smart snacking
Want a healthy snack? Choose Goji berries.These red berries to sweet taste are part of "Super Fruit" Purasana: a range of dried fruit selected for their nutritional quality.
You can eat Goji berries as such or added to a milkshake, a muesli, yoghurt ...


    This bag of goji berries can be used as charging if you have previously purchased the reusable Purasana jar .
   Add a handful of goji berries Purasana in your smoothies based Super Food . 


Nutrition information per 100g:
   energy value: 343.9 kcal / 1438 kJ
   Lipids: 7,14g
   Carbohydrates: 57,82g
   fiber: 7,78g
   proteins: 12,10g 


100% * Dried goji berries (Lycium babarum).
* From organic farming.

Special precautions

Store in a cool, dry place.Close container after each use.


bag 200g
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Goji Berries - bag
55-65 years Gender
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Fruit délicieux très aromatisant...
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