The Man BIO, 17 sachets

from Yogi Tea
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Powerful and spiced ayurvedic herb tea supporting the expression of the male force and the realization of the male potential.

Powerful, soft and spiced Infusion

The force and the power of the man can be impacted negatively by the food, stress, exhaustion and excesses. Balance can be restored by exercise, an adequate rest and a healthy food mode. The men are then able to carry out their potential and their ideas.
The Man de Yogi Tea, containing ginger, of torrefied chicorey, ginseng and pepper of Cayenne, is an infusion with sublime savor. To taste all the day.
The subtle message of this infusion is “the force”.


This infusion increases Pitta, is neutral on Vata and Kapha.


  • Ginger:
    Used for more than 3000 years in the Far East as medicinal herb and aromatic, the ginger has had a prickly and fruity taste but also of many vitamins, essential oil and invaluable minerals.
  • Ginseng:
    It is necessary up to 170 years so that the root of ginseng wild is entirely ripe for harvest. Because of this slow growth, the ginseng was very expensive and was regarded a long time as the plant of the kings.
  • Pepper:
    The pepper is an annual plant of the family of the solanaceous ones. It grows especially in shone upon countries like Mexico, India, Thailand and Tanzania. Its prickly naturalness and its invaluable nutrients do of them one of principal spices and medicinal herbs in the world.


Put 250 ml of ebullient water on the bag and let infuse 5 to 6 minutes, or longer for a stronger taste.


Ginger* (15%), cardamome*, liquorice*, caroube*, cinnamon*, ear malt*, torrefied chicorey*, pepper mint*, fenugreek*, fennel*, macis*, anise*, root of ginseng* (2%), astragale*, curcuma*, pepper* (1%), oil of cinnamon*, black pepper*.
* Organic farming.

Special precautions

Liquorice contains - the people suffering from hypertension must avoid any excessive consumption.


17 bags
Yogi Tea

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Comment (3) -
Comments from others countries
The Man
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Le gingembre et le piment envahissent agréablement le palais de saveurs amples et chaudes. Les autres plantes et épices les adoucissent par leur arôme dense. Bien que femme, c'est l'une de mes tisanes Yogi Tea préférées. Idéale à la fin du repas de midi ou dans l'après-midi.
The Man
55-65 years Gender
4 5

Surprenant mais on s'habitue, agréable
The Man
55-65 years Gender
5 5

les hommes de la famille apprécient cette tisane très parfumée
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