Himalaya - Ayurvedic Infusion BIO, 17 sachets

from Yogi Tea
(On stock)
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After a hard day's work, the infusion Himalayan Yogi Tea Ginger gives you relaxation and serenity.

Himalayas, balance and openness

Himalaya Yogi Tea is a very old brewing recipe that captures the meditative energy majestic mountains of the Himalayas. Fennel and spicy ginger give this classic Chaï an intriguing flavor and rich aroma. The addition of the warm and soft cardamom, anise and coriander makes it especially delicious. Enjoy it according to Indian tradition: sweet and with a cloud of milk or milk substitute.


Ayurvedic Information
Himalaya increases Pitta, decreases Vata and Kapha.


Pour 280 ml of boiling water over the bag and let infuse for 7 minutes or longer for a stronger flavor. Add milk and sugar to taste.


Ginger * (39%), fennel * (34%), cinnamon * (20%), anise *, coriander *, * cinnamon oil, ginger oil *, licorice *.
 * Organic Agriculture


17 sachets
Net Weight: 34 g
Yogi Tea

This site contains a significant amount of information. This is not a medical site. The exempted reflections, can never be a substitute for a consultation with a doctor or therapist that you return for your follow-up contact.

Comment (6) -
Comments from others countries
Himalaya - Ayurvedic Infusion
45-55 years Gender
5 5

une grande surprise j'adore
Himalaya - Ayurvedic Infusion
> 65 years Gender
4 5

tres bon surtout avec gingembre
Himalaya - Ayurvedic Infusion
> 65 years Gender
4 5

Épicé j’aime beaucoup
Himalaya - Ayurvedic Infusion
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Très bonne infusion.
Himalaya - Ayurvedic Infusion
55-65 years Gender
5 5

conforme à mes attentes,
Himalaya - Ayurvedic Infusion
35-45 years Gender
5 5

C'est mon infusion préférée :)
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