
Argiletz : Discover products
Argiletz was founded over 60 years ago by Jean Heitz, inspired by his mother who treated resistance fighters during World War II with the healing powers of green clay.

Argiletz perceives clay as a gesture of love. White, red, yellow, green or pink, this generous material comes to life when in it is in contact with water and it can purify, reveal beauty, comfort and soothe the skin.

As leader in innovation, Argiletz modernises the uses of clay to make it more ergonomic and accessible to all: ready-to-use clay tubes and cartons (berlingots), soaps and powder. From this 100% natural product, Argiletz creates treatments for the body, face, hair, etc.

Located in Lizy-sur-Ourq, the Argiletz laboratory gets its supplies of clay from an undisclosed French quarry. This clay is then dried in the sun.

The authentic and committed brand refuses in using preservatives and polluting packaging. The laboratory ensures that its products meet the most demanding standards. Argiletz is in fact the first manufacturer of natural and organic products to have obtained the ISO 9001 Standard in 2007.

Throughout its expansion, Argiletz has maintained its business as a family entreprise while always being efficient, innovative, investing in research and development of new products.

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