Instigated Polyfloral pollen BIO, 210 g

from Ballot-flurin
(Victim of his own success)
Victim of his own success

Of a great wealth nutritional, this pollen in balls is a stimulative physique, intellectual and emotional for all the family.

Of a great wealth nutritional, this pollen in balls is a stimulative physique, intellectual and emotional for all the family.

Vitalizing benefits of pollen for all the family
Of a great nutritional wealth, this pollen naturally controls the intestinal transit time, with powerful strengthening properties on the physical, intellectual and emotional spheres.Pollen Bundle-Flurin is intended all to the family, to the tired people, with the seniors, to the sportsmen…Floral taste and protein delicate of this pollen, as its beautiful multicoloured aspect testify to its noble origins: it is resulting from multiple varieties of flowers coming from secular biotopes supporting a great wealth of active ingredients. Light differences of savor or presentation from one harvest to another are the sign which your pollen is alive, and resulting from typified microphone-soils.


   The strengthening properties of this pollen prepares with the physical-activity and intellectual. It stimulates the memory and acts subtly on the emotional sphere.
   It controls the intestinal transit time naturally and balances the flora.
   Its Yang virtues contribute to male strength.
   It offers to your skin, your nails and your hair its nutritive virtues, antioxydant, and hardening.


Collected in natural and preserved biotopes Great French South-west or natural park of Estrémadure in Spain (according to harvests).
   Soft, equitable and local bee-keeping. Pollen obtained without stressing the bees.
   Pollen very little handled: no the nitrogen freezing neither, nor of separation of the grains.
   Natural process of conservation to Hydroplus room temperature which preserves its nutrients and its energy vitality.
   Rigorous fresh local apiarian raw material selection, presented in their purest form.
   Optimal wealth of instigated active ingredients.


The people allergic to pollen the graminaceous ones can consume pollen of bees perfectly, and even desensitize themselves. To start with two grains the first day then to gradually increase the amount to a half-spoonful with coffee per day. To observe the reactions of your body.


A cure from 3 to 6 weeks is recommended, in preference to spring and at the entrance of winter.
   In general: to take 1 to 2 coffee spoons per day, preferably the morning. To mix well pollen with its saliva before swallowing it. Can also be mixed with a spoon of honey or diluted in a little fruit juice in order to facilitate its absorption of it. The ideal is to put it the day before at the evening in a little water and to consume it the following day the morning with a fruit juice.
   In the event of intense tiredness, working life: to double the amounts by making 2 catches per day with the meals.
   Children (of more than 36 months): to decrease the initial amounts by half.
   In the event of tired and dull skin: in tonic mask nourishing and moisturizing
Mix with room temperature 2 coffee spoons of pollen polyfloral, 1 spoon has coffee from yoghourt and 1/4 of honey coffee spoon. Wash the skin of your face then apply your preparation with the fingers to the totality of your face by avoiding the contour of the eyes. Let act about twenty minutes then rinse with tepid water.


Pollen resulting from the organic farming.Certified by Quality-France SAS - Guillaumet 92046 Paris Defense.


Pot out of glass of 210g.

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Comment (6) -
Comments from others countries
Instigated Polyfloral pollen
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Conforme en tous points
Instigated Polyfloral pollen
> 65 years Gender
4 5

Effets à voir à plus long terme
Instigated Polyfloral pollen
55-65 years Gender
4 5

Régulation du transit assurée !
Instigated Polyfloral pollen
> 65 years Gender
5 5

bonne régulation intestinale
Instigated Polyfloral pollen
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Perfection faite abeille
Instigated Polyfloral pollen
5 5

Quel plaisir ce pollen comparé aux autres. J'en ai goûté plusieurs qui ont différents goûts et qui sont loin d'être agréables voire même à régurgiter au plus vite tellement le goût est rebutant ! Celui-ci est, d'une part, de qualité, Ballot Flurin, le must des produits de la ruche et d'autre part, même si c'est particulier, on l'accepte bien mieux que tout ce que j'ai pu essayer, et j'en ai testé !
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