Vine (Vitis will vinifera) bud BIO, 50 ml

from Alphagem
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Genuine anti-inflammatory drug intestinal, the vine also slowed down the articular deformations..

The bud of vine, friend of the intestines

The bud of vine is useful in the event of intestinal ignition (colitis).


  • Adults: 5 to 15 drops per day, to take apart from the meals, directly on the tongue (to keep the product a few seconds stops some before swallowing). The drops can also be diluted in water glass.
  • Children until 13 years: 3 to 8 drops per day.
  • Babies: 1 to 3 drops per day in the feeding-bottle. When the mom nurses, it is it which takes the remedy for adult proportioning.


Glycerin végétale*, alcool* (35%), water, buds of vine* (vitis will vinifera).
*product resulting from the organic farming.

Special precautions

Children, pregnant women or nursing: to refer in the opinion of a doctor or a specialized therapeutist.


Dropper of 50 ml.

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