Tilleul (Tilia tomentosa) bud unit BIO, 50 ml

from Alphagem
(Coming on stock)
Coming on stock

The lime bud is a mild sedative that promotes sleep thanks to its soothing function.

The linden, mild sedative bud

Well known for its calming action, the lime bud promotes sleep and helps to increase its duration. It is also a detoxifier of the body.


  • Adults : 5 to 15 drops a day, to be taken outside of meals, directly on the tongue (keep the product for a few seconds in the mouth before swallowing). The drops can also be diluted in a glass of water.
  • Children up to 13 years : 3 to 8 drops a day.
  • Babies : 1 to 3 drops a day in the bottle. When the mother breastfeeds, it is she who takes the remedy for the adult dosage.


Vegetable glycerin *, alcohol * (35%), water, linden tree buds * (22.5 mg) (Tilia tomentosa).
 * product from organic farming.


Dropper bottle of 50 ml.

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Tilleul (Tilia tomentosa) bud unit
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