Originally from Madagascar, ravintsara grows wild in tropical and humid forests. Delicately scented, the smell of its essential oil is close to those of lavender and rosemary.
Internal: 2 drops of essential oil of ravintsara, 3 times a day on a neutral support (honey, cane sugar, vegetable oil).
- To fight against the evils of the winter and to reinforce the immunity:
Recipe : mix 150 drops of ravintsara essential oil + 70 drops of eucalyptus essential oil + 35 drops of laurel essential oil + 35 drops of Niaouli essential oil.
Application : massage 3 drops of this mixture mixed with a few drops of vegetable oil on the chest and upper back 3 times a day.
- During the flu epidemics of winter : 6 drops of essential oil ravintsara local application on the arch or chest, morning and evening, you will protect against viral attacks.
- Against a cold sore (A. Bitsas): mix equal parts of the essential oil of ravintsara and niaouli , and apply 1 to 2 drops a day as long as necessary.
- To strengthen the body of young children (A.-F. Malotaux, Pranarôm): put in the palm of your hand 20 drops of vegetable oil of jojoba or hazelnut , add 1 drop of essential oil of ravintsara and 1 drop of essential oil of Ho wood ; dilute well, rub hands together and apply to the child's arch.
Unless authorized, do not use during pregnancy, breastfeeding and for children under 5 years.
Bottle of 100 ml.