My Essential Oils Bible - D. Festy

from Editions Leduc.s.
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Here is the Bible that will tell you everything about the use of essential oils: how to choose them, which route of administration to use, etc.

THE Complete Guide to Aromatherapy

Discover the most complete and practical guide to essential oils, written by Danièle Festy, pharmacist and author in Aromatherapy! Fill up on wellness ideas to enjoy the benefits of essential oils at home and use 100% natural cosmetics.

 Discover the fabulous potential of essential oils for your health, beauty and well-being:
  • Familiarize yourself with the 79 most effective essential oils : tea tree, lavender, rosemary, wintergreen, helichrysum, ylang-ylang ... And discover the unique properties of each.
  • Learn the most appropriate routes of administration to ensure maximum efficiency and safety.
  • Visualize the areas of application of your oils, thanks to clear illustrations and discover the good complementary gestures to adopt.
  • Build your personalized kit , always have your essential bottles on hand and select some emergency essential oils to slip into your purse: anti-headache and easy digestion (mint), anti-stress (chamomile).

My Essential Oils Bible offers you a personalized program to treat each of the daily ills from A to Z ona.

" My bible of essential oils ", Danièle Festy, Editions Leduc. S, 551, p.

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My Essential Oils Bible - D. Festy
> 65 years Gender
4 5

je commence a le lire
My Essential Oils Bible - D. Festy
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Très complète. Je l'utilise souvent. Facile d'utilisation.
My Essential Oils Bible - D. Festy
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Une bible à garder sous la main
My Essential Oils Bible - D. Festy
> 65 years Gender
5 5

très pratique à utiliser et à comprendre
My Essential Oils Bible - D. Festy
> 65 years Gender
3 5

Je ne peux pas noter, c'était pour un cadeau
My Essential Oils Bible - D. Festy
45-55 years Gender
5 5

très facile et très explicite, je le recommande vivement
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