Practical Guide to Essential Oils

from Direct Nature
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Discover aromatherapy properties of essential oils and how to use them wisely.


This practical guide is certainly the first reference reading to discover aromatherapy.
It will familiarize you with a basic range of 40 commonly used essential oils that are valuable.
It also offers a selection of aromatic floral waters and vegetable oils.
Simple and intuitive to use and affordable, entertaining writing, it will soon be your first reaction to small problems of everyday life.

"We could easily want to get dragged by force, the charm and appeal of fragrances contained in bottles of essential oils ...
Their fragrant appeal is very powerful, but they also give rise to many questions: Why the name essential oils? What are they for? How are they made? What are their properties and indications? How to use? What quality search?
This small book is intended to familiarize you with a range of essential oils in common use, and some others that are valuable, give you the necessary benchmarks and acquaintances to help you well everyday use (in a family context) and not make mistakes.
Indeed, the quality essential oils are highly concentrated natural substances, powerful and efficient: they must be used with precision and caution as an unsuitable use can be unfavorable. The information in this directory still have their bases in specific references by experienced practitioners, first and foremost we would like to quote Dr. Daniel Pénoël. "

Practical Guide to Essential Oils, Nadine Perreaut, 78 pages, 20.9 x 14.9 cm.

This site contains a significant amount of information. This is not a medical site. The exempted reflections, can never be a substitute for a consultation with a doctor or therapist that you return for your follow-up contact.

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This website contains a significant amount of informations. It is not a medical website. The exempted reflections, cannot in no case to replace a consultation in a doctor or a therapeutist that it returns to you to contact for your follow-up.