Natural therapies
Would you like to act on your health but do you prefer, as far as possible, to avoid produce them chemical?
Flowers, buds, sheets, minerals… Nature is full with resources which can help you to better feel you and to find the form!
Gemmothérapy, phytotherapy, Bach Flowers, Oils essential, Apithérapy, Nutrithérapy: discover our broad range of natural therapies. You will find certainly that which is appropriate to you.
Flowers, buds, sheets, minerals… Nature is full with resources which can help you to better feel you and to find the form!
Gemmothérapy, phytotherapy, Bach Flowers, Oils essential, Apithérapy, Nutrithérapy: discover our broad range of natural therapies. You will find certainly that which is appropriate to you.
Our essentials
General information : Natural therapies
Small round of horizon of the natural therapies:
- Gemmothérapy is the energy use of the plants and minerals concentrated in the buds of plants resulting from the organic farming to create natural and effective remedies.
- Phytotherapy indicates the fact of being looked after by the plants by using the part activates those (ex: vegetable teas, infusions, extracts,…).
- the Bach FLowers are dilutions of flowers and spring water, instigated according to principles close to homeopathy, and intended to alleviate and balance our emotions.
- the Aromatherapy consists in using essential oils resulting from the aromatic plants to treat pathologies and to improve your health and your wellness.
- the term Nutrithérapy indicates the fact of being looked after by the food. Besides glucids, protids and lipids, your organization needs rock salt (trace elements) and vitamins so that your cells can function correctly. The food supplements takes care that your body receives the nutrients which are lacking to him.
- the apithérapy is an ancestral practice which consists in being looked after (as well to cure itself as to take care of oneself) thanks to the substances manufactured by the bees: honey, pollen, the royal jello, the propolis, the venom of bee.
This website contains a significant amount of informations. It is not a medical website. The exempted reflections, cannot in no case to replace a consultation in a doctor or a therapeutist that it returns to you to contact for your follow-up.