Eytelia offers VitaSil products with high quality standards: all of its food supplements and body gels are formulated with raw materials from the best European suppliers. They provide consumers with safe products in compliance with European regulations, which helps in building trust with their clients.
The products created by Eytelia are recognised by the medical profession and approved by many therapists in Belgium and France. They are formulated on the basis of the most recent studies and scientific research. The synergies used have been validated and the ingredients are dosed according to the needs of the body.
Silicon is one of the 12 major elements in the composition of organisms. The human body contains around 7g of silicon. When associated with collagen, elastin, keratin and proteoglycans, silicon contributes to the architecture, strength, resistance and elasticity of all connective tissues in our body.
Eytelia has had its own Research & Development department for more than 10 years and it has acquired considerable expertise in silica molecules and more particularly liquid forms of silicon. Silicon is the second constituent of the crust of the earth.
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