Green Coffee - Mint BIO, 20 sachets

from Aromandise
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The beautiful combination vegetal notes of green coffee with intense freshness of mint is a real pleasure.

Coffee, a drink and enjoy wellness

Green coffee combines relaxing and comfort to the body.
The sumptuous combination of fresh broad beans notes unroasted green coffee with warm palette and relieved of cardamom is a pleasure for the senses. For a coffee break very smooth and intensity.

The coffee cherries of this product are of the species Coffea arabica, Caturra variety, cultivated in the highlands of Jinotega department in Nicaragua. They were cultivated and selected with care and have not undergone roasting, allowing to preserve their qualities.

The clear bright green of a cup of green coffee and its intense vegetal and peppery flavor reminiscent of the topical forests who have seen born. His fresh bean flavor is enriched by round flavors, subtle and long in the mouth with a soft and toned finish.


Born into a project for economic and social development of Jinotega in Nicaragua, Caturra Arabica coffee is imported directly related to the planters (Direct Trade). This short chain ensures fair compensation for local coffee producers, gathered in cooperative structure.


Pour 200ml of water at 95 ° C of 1 bag and let steep 3 minutes.


Green coffee arabica 92% *, peppermint * 8%.
 * Product of organic agriculture.

Special precautions

Store in a cool and dry place.


Box of 20 sachets of 3 g each.

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