Green Tea Citrus BIO, 100 g

from Thés de la Pagode
(On stock)
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This green tea Chun Mee of Pagoda Tea is fragrant with citrus essences, giving a drink in delicate and fresh scent.

Green tea with Citrus

From Anhui province in eastern China, green tea with citrus is a very nice quality green tea "Chun Mee" or "the old man's brow." The leaves of this green tea blend perfectly with the natural essences of Orange, Lemon and Grapefruit, offering a drink in delicate and fresh scent. A balance which makes it an excellent tea for relaxation.


For 25 years, the Pagoda Tea select organic teas grown in completely preserved altitude gardens. Only the bud and the first leaf are picked to ensure exceptional flavors. Great gourmet teas are appreciated by connoisseurs as much by lovers for their exquisite taste, color and unique fragrance.


2 g tea in 20 ml water at 80 ° C. Let steep for 3 minutes.


Green tea Chun Mee Organic, Organic lemon peel, orange peel Organic, natural aromas of grapefruit, orange and lemon, organic marigold flowers.


Bag of 100 g
Teas Pagoda

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Comment (3) -
Comments from others countries
Green Tea Citrus
> 65 years Gender
5 5

excellent thé je fais en sorte de n'être jamais en panne.......!
Green Tea Citrus
55-65 years Gender
4 5

Très bon mais pourrait être plus prononcé
Green Tea Citrus
55-65 years Gender
3 5

Bien mais pas assez parfumé à mon goût.
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