
Silicon is a mineral naturally present in the human body. He plays a crucial role in the resistance and the elasticity of all the fabrics (skin, nails, cartilage, arteries…). The “silicon capital” available to at the base our body decreases gradually with the age. A regular external contribution is thus necessary, particularly in the seniors and for the people at whom the articulations are particularly sollicited.

The organic silicon is the easily assimilable silicon shape by the organization. One uses for example an organic silicon complement to improve the flexibility of the articulations , to act on the effects of the ageing (wrinkles) and to support the beauty of the skin and the hair . Organic silicon is generally extracted from plants such as the nettle, the bamboo or the horsetail.

Organic silicon exists in the form of compressed and of drinkable solution, or gel for a local application (joint pains). Certain shampoos and cosmetics are also rich.
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