Cod liver oil

Tonic impossible to circumvent for the children at the time of our grandparents, the Cod-liver oil is always a particularly interesting food supplement. Fortunately, it exists today in the form of capsules much more pleasant to swallow because more neutral in taste.

Rich in vitamins A and D (what distinguishes it from other fish oils), the cod-liver oil is one of the better sources of Omega 3 (whose EPA and DHA, of the essential polyunsaturated fatty-acids because they are not manufactured by the organization).

The cod-liver oil supports the osseous growth and the intellectual development of the child . Reminelizing, it also helps to fix calcium thanks to vitamin D. the cod-liver oil is thus an invaluable food supplement in the event of osseous embrittlement (ex: menopause…) and to avoid the osseous problems in the elderly people (ex: osteoporosis ).

Because of its role in the good performance of the immune system, the cod-liver oil is excellent strengthening. Is thus used it traditionally to fight against the periods of tiredness or in cure during the winter season for to reinforce the organization against the external aggressions.
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