Manuka honey

The honey of Manuka is dissociated by its nonperoxydic activity which confers properties to him purifying and protective higher than those of other honeies.

The honey of Manuka comes from New Zealand, where the bees gather nectar and pollen the flowers of Manuka, a shrub close to Tea-Tree whose benefits are known since always by the Maori healers.

Like all honeies, the honey of Manuka can be used into external to repair the damaged skins and the cutaneous lesions. In-house, is consumed it to cleanse the digestive system and sphere ORL (stops, throat…).

The effectiveness of the honey of Manuka is variable and is expressed thanks to an index (IAA, MGO or TPA) which indicates the quantity of Methylglyoxal per kilo of honey (Methylglyoxal being one of the molecules responsible for the nonperoxydic activity of honey).
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