Brewers yeast

The Brewers' yeast is produced by the culture of a microscopic mushroom (micro-organism called “saccharomyces cerevisiae”).

Attention, one distinguishes the brewers' yeast and the “revivifiable” brewers' yeast because they do not have same the properties.

In the first, the micro-organisms are killed during drying at high temperature of yeast. Consequently, one uses only this brewers' yeast for his nutritive benefits (proteins, trace elements, vitamins B).

groupSource of vitality, this brewers' yeast also has cosmetic virtues. Is recommended it to fight against the loss of hair , the breakable nails and for the beauty of the skin . The brewers' yeast is often consumed in the form of capsules or of spangles to be powdered on the culinary preparations.

Contrary, the micro-organisms are not killed during the processing of the revivifiable brewers' yeast (cold drying). It is said whereas it is about an “alive” yeast. This yeast is used as probiotic because it brings to the body micro-organisms which are useful for the balance of the intestinal flora.
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