
Acerola is a red small fruit with the acidulous taste which resembles much to a cherry. It pushes on a shrub which one finds mainly in the tropical areas of South America. Acérola has antioxydant properties and is a excellent source of natural vitamin C . Besides he belongs to the fruits richest in vitamin C, in front of the orange.

The vitamin C neither being synthesized, nor stored by the human body, it is essential that the organization receives some regularly and in sufficient quantity via the feeding. Acerola is very thus often used for the manufacturing additional food supplements intended to provide a contribution in natural vitamin C.

Thanks to its exceptional content of vitamin C, Acerola helps with to reinforce your natural defenses against the external aggressions and invigorates the organization in the event of tiredness or of fall of energy . In the form of food supplement, Acerola can be a good friend against coolings.

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