Acerola 1000, 100 tablets

from Nat & Form
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Acerola is a fruit extremely rich in vitamin C which is a general stimulant of the organism (indicated in the event of fatigue, convalescence ...).

Acerola 1000: 100% natural vitamin C

Acerola is a Spanish word meaning "maple cherry". This name evokes its origin: the West Indies, where the shrub is nicknamed the tree of health . Acerola has a particularity: its extraordinary richness in Vitamin C , 40 to 80 times more than in orange (estimates vary according to the authors).

Each tablet of Acerola 1000 flavored with red fruits provides you with 250 mg of vitamin C (i.e. 312.5% of the reference nutritional values), for a natural toning effect.


Vitamin C:
  • Helps reduce fatigue, contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system and contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system.
  • Is a powerful reducing agent, it protects cells against free radicals, responsible for tissue oxidation.
  • Participates in the synthesis of collagen found in bones, cartilage, ligaments, blood vessels.
  • Is necessary for the immune system.
  • Facilitates the absorption of dietary iron by reducing it to the ferrous state better assimilated by the body.


Take 1 tablet per day (chewable or suck), preferably taken in the morning, due to the stimulating nature of vitamin C.
Child from 4 to 12 years old: 1/2 tablet per day, to suck or chew.


Composition per tablet:
  • Acerola berry extract (titrated to 25% vitamin C): 1000 mg
- of which vitamin C: 250 mg (i.e. 312.5% of the Nutritional Reference Values)
  • sweetener (sorbitol): 600 mg
  • sweetener (xylitol): 185 mg
  • blond cane sugar: 100 mg
  • cherry flavor: 75 mg
  • anti-caking agent (magnesium stearate): 30 mg
  • citrus sinensis bioflavonoids: 10 mg
Possible traces of wheat.
Preservative free.

Special precautions

Do not use in children under 4 years old.
Pregnant or breastfeeding women, consult a health professional before use.
Excess use may result in laxative effects.


Pot of 100 tablets of 2 g.

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