Noble bay-tree (Laurus nobilis), 5 ml

from Pranarôm
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Equipped with remarkable antibacterial properties, this essential oil also acts like antiviral. It east is used against the respiratory affections and cutaneous.

Equipped with remarkable antibacterial properties, this essential oil also acts like antiviral. It east is used against the respiratory affections and cutaneous.

The crown of the winners
Originating in the Mediterranean basin, the bay-tree is especially known to have crowned the head of the winners in Lthe’ Antiquité, and for its use in the ’ art of cooking.


  • antibacterial remarkable
  • antiviral powerful
  • excellent action against mycoses
  • expectorante
  • analgesics and antineuralgic very effective
  • regulating of the nervous system


  • viral affections and respiratory
  • mushrooms
  • skin troubles
  • digestive disorders: lack of inappetite, flatulences
  • joint affections
  • anxiety, stress
  • oral affections
Source: A. Zhiri & D. Baudoux, essential Oils Chémotypées and their synergies, Inspir Development


   External way: 2 drops of ’ essential oil of noble bay-tree + 2 drops of ’ vegetable oil of hazelnut in application on the ’ painful or dermatological affection, including in the mouth, 3 times per day.


2 to 3 drops of ’ essential oil of noble bay-tree and 2 drops of essential oil of orange ’ sweet in a walnut of shampoo, then to wash your hair. You will then discover the ’ stimulative action on the scalp and the hair, whose growth will be invigorated.

Special precautions

  • To hold out of reach young children.
  • This product cannot replace a balanced food mode.
  • Not to exceed the advised amount.
  • Except informed verdict, not to use during the pregnancy, breast feeding and for the children of less than 6 years.
  • To preserve safe from any source of heat and of light.
  • Sensitizing of the allergic type possible.


Laurus nobilis
Aromatic molecule: 1.8 cinéole
Distilled part: the sheet
Origin: Slovenia


Bottle of 5 ml

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Comment (7) -
Comments from others countries
Noble bay-tree (Laurus nobilis)
55-65 years Gender
4 5

Très bien statisfaite
Noble bay-tree (Laurus nobilis)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Produit que j'utilise depuis longtemps dans cette marque
Noble bay-tree (Laurus nobilis)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

conforme à mon attente
Noble bay-tree (Laurus nobilis)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Pas encore testé mais je fais confiance à pranarom qui ont de très bon produits.
Noble bay-tree (Laurus nobilis)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

trop tôt pour le dire
Noble bay-tree (Laurus nobilis)
35-45 years Gender
4 5

Très bonne huile essentielle. Packaging nickel. Je recommande !

Seul bémol, un peu chère par rapport aux autres HE d'exacte même qualité.
Noble bay-tree (Laurus nobilis)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

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