is infinitely complex: it contains oxides, monoterpenes, the monoterpenols, some phenols, esters, ethers, sesquiterpenes, and other constituents to trace: more than 200 in total!
By its composition, the essential oil of laurel is versatile.
- It fights infections - bacterial, viral, fungal - while being very well tolerated by the skin and mucous membranes.
- Its regenerative properties allow to use aromatherapy in cosmetics as skin conditioner.
- It may be incorporated in a breathing mixture referred to.
- It is recommended for difficult to extricate candidiasis.
- In combination with the essential oil of juniper, it is a antifermentaire and intestinal sanitizer.
- It is conventionally used in the care of the mouth and teeth.
- Harmonizing the nervous system in one way rather energizing and neurotonic.
- The bay is suitable for designers, artists and all those who depend on intuition and inspiration. It strengthens self-confidence and courage necessary for the performance of any innovative project.
- The essential oil of laurel restores the vital force necessary for the pursuit of an idea. It also helps to keep and especially without weakening it.
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