Rescue Night Spray, 7 ml

from Rescue®
(On stock)
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The spray Rescue Night contains 6 flowers of Bach which help you to spend a good night.

The spray Rescue Night contains 6 flowers of Bach which help you to spend a good night.

To spend a good night in a completely natural way.

Rescue slackens and alleviates, while White Chestnut helps to find a spirit alleviated while getting rid of obsessing thoughts. It makes it possible to keep a ’ clear spirit and to spend a good night, in a completely natural way.

Rescue Night is a creation of Bach at base of ’ natural ingredients, which associates the five flowers of Bach already taken again in the original composition of Rescue (Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock'n'roll Pink and Star of Bethlehem), with the flower White Chestnut (White Chestnut tree).


  • Ready to use in the event of concern and of situations of stress
  • Comfort and reassures
  • Natural product
  • Is also appropriate to the children
  • Can be used as often as necessary
  • Can be used in combination with other products


Use the spray Rescue half an hour before ’ to go to sleep.
Carry the spray to height of the mouth and pulverize 2x on the tongue.
Not to vaporize in the eyes.
Repeat the operation while going to bed.
Rescue can be used over one long life.


Alcohol (27 vol.%), Helianthemum nummularium, Clematis vitalba, Impatiens will glandulifera, Prunus will cerasifera, Ornithogalum umbellatum, Aesculus hippocastanum.


Spray of 7 ml

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Comment (21) -
Comments from others countries
Rescue Night Spray
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Egalement un très bon produit pour passer une nuit calme et sans stress !
Rescue Night Spray
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Je met moins longtemps à m'endormir
Rescue Night Spray
55-65 years Gender
5 5

les produits était en parfait état bien protégés
Rescue Night Spray
55-65 years Gender
4 5

efficacité vérifiable mais evidemment ça ne fait pas disparaitre à 100% !
Rescue Night Spray
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Aide à l'endormissement.
Rescue Night Spray
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Rescue Night Spray
55-65 years Gender
5 5

rescue nuit m'a permis de mieux dormir sans réveils nocturnes
Rescue Night Spray
> 65 years Gender
4 5

bien en cas de réveil nocturne
Rescue Night Spray
45-55 years Gender
5 5

j'utilise régulièrement les fleurs de bach, donc je suis très satisfaite du produit.
Rescue Night Spray
25-35 years Gender
5 5

Je ne pourrais pas dire si c'est super efficace mais ça contribue au bon sommeil
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