Rescue Night, spray, 20 ml

from Rescue®
(On stock)
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RESCUE Night® can help with those annoying nights when you are kept awake by persistent thoughts; use it to help switch off and enjoy a peaceful night's sleep.

RESCUE Night® is a combination of the five Bach™ Original Flower Essences found in RESCUE® plus the Bach™ Original Flower Essence of White Chestnut


This essence has traditionally been used to help switch off the mind from unwanted, repetitive thoughts. These flower essences combined in RESCUE Night to help you enjoy a natural night's sleep. Bach Rescue Night is known as Bach Rescue Sleep in the USA.


Rescue is the most famous combination of flower essences developed by Dr. Bach. The Bach essence White Chestnut has been used to help switch off the mind from unwanted repetitive thoughts. These flower essences combine to help you enjoy a natural night’s sleep.


Alcohol-free, RESCUE Night® is suitable for all the family to use.The spray comes in bottle which can be applied directly to the tongue before bedtime.


Bach Rescue Night 20ml Spray.

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Rescue Night, spray
55-65 years Gender
3 5

Pas tres efficace mais cela depend certe des personnes
Rescue Night, spray
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Conforme à la description
Rescue Night, spray
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Très efficace pour les angoisses nocturnes
Rescue Night, spray
> 65 years Gender
4 5

correspond à ma commande
Rescue Night, spray
4 5

Produit efficace.Satisfaite
Rescue Night, spray
> 65 years Gender
2 5

Résultat nul en ce qui me concerne
Rescue Night, spray
> 65 years Gender
2 5

pas l'effet escompté, aucun effet d'ailleurs
Rescue Night, spray
> 65 years Gender
5 5

j'utilise toutes les nuits
Rescue Night, spray
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Aide en cas de stress et de panique
Apaisé bien
Rescue Night, spray
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Rescue Nuit est parfait .... Calme et rend vraiement zen avant l'endormissement
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