Baroque Bracelet - Chakra

from Nia
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This colorful bracelet made of natural stone the three active channels of energy of our Being to promote balance.

Bracelet multicolor baroque

This bracelet is made of multicolored beads irregular style "baroque" natural stone.
The bracelet "Chakra" the three channels active energy of our Being to promote balance.


The therapeutic properties of natural stones Nia
The therapeutic power of gemstones and minerals known for centuries.
They were used as an amulet or a seal, whether or not provided with inscriptions or images.
Increasingly many people are discovering that gemstones and minerals can help reduce or alleviate their pain or problems.
The NIA jewelry are made with natural stones and easily worn as necklaces, bracelets or earrings.
The gems must match the desires or personal ailments.
One can choose a gemstone in different ways: based on the color and the corresponding chakra, depending on the problem to be solved or stone effect, or according to his zodiac sign or month of birth .
But it is even more important to rely on his intuition or his feeling.
Which stone provides a feeling? Which stone seems to me the most beautiful or most talking to me? The best method to find a gemstone that matches us at one time is to listen to our senses and feelings.


Bracelet "Chakra" This bracelet optimizes the flow of prana (vital energy) in treating major receivers and distributors of vital energy - the chakras - in the subtle body.
The seven main chakras are located on a line from the vertex and going to the bottom of the spine.
Each of these chakras influences a physical, mental and spiritual of our being.
When they work well, they vibrate with the frequency of each color of the rainbow sky.
Ask a stone of the right color for a minute on each chakra helps to restore balance to the system.

  • Base chakra - red (bottom of the spine): Function = vital energy, security, survival, vitality.
  • Sacral chakra - orange (below the navel): Function = center of sexual energy and feelings, peace, relationships, self-esteem.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra - Yellow (between the navel and the diaphragm): Function = symbolizes the will, self-awareness, identity.
  • Heart chakra - green (middle of the chest): Function = unconditional love, joy of life, self-acceptance, forgiveness.
  • Throat Chakra - Light Blue (in the throat): = function governs communication and self expression, inspiration, creativity.
  • Brow chakra - indigo (center front): = function provides intuitive, visual perception, discernment, understanding.
  • Chakra of the crown of the head - purple (just above the head): Function = brings unity, understanding, absorption of cosmic energies, higher dimensions.


Bracelet natural stones.

This site contains a significant amount of information. This is not a medical site. The exempted reflections, can never be a substitute for a consultation with a doctor or therapist that you return for your follow-up contact.

Comment (11) -
Comments from others countries
Baroque Bracelet - Chakra
> 65 years Gender
2 5

Absolument rien de remarqué depuis que je le porte.
Baroque Bracelet - Chakra
35-45 years Gender
3 5

Pierres de bonne qualité, cependant bracelet très fragile, l'élastique n'est pas résistant.
Baroque Bracelet - Chakra
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Agréable à porté. Jolie et discret. Un cadeau à offrir sans complexe
Baroque Bracelet - Chakra
55-65 years Gender
5 5

le bracelet change de couleur donc c'est un vrai, je le recommande aux personnes spirituel pour la meditation avec les chakras
Baroque Bracelet - Chakra
55-65 years Gender
5 5

est ce que c'est vraiment des pierre naturel car in diraient du plastique c'est vrai qu'il est très beau et le prix et alléchant a par cela le colis et très bien emballé et la livraison rapide
Baroque Bracelet - Chakra
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Beau bracelet; satisfaite
Baroque Bracelet - Chakra
55-65 years Gender
5 5

j'adore tout simplement!
Baroque Bracelet - Chakra
> 65 years Gender
4 5

Je le porte tous les jours, il me serre un peu.
Baroque Bracelet - Chakra
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Impeccable, j'ai un petit poignet !!! Il est très beau.
Baroque Bracelet - Chakra
55-65 years Gender
4 5

Dommage qu'on ne puisse le trouver en perles rondes.

Taille petit, fait pour des poignets fins.
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This website contains a significant amount of informations. It is not a medical website. The exempted reflections, cannot in no case to replace a consultation in a doctor or a therapeutist that it returns to you to contact for your follow-up.