Vitamins B (Complex) (Active ingredient)

Vitamins B (Complex)
8, the vitamins B have a whole a different effect on the organization. Associated the ones with the others, they form a very complete food supplement. Vitamin B1 (thiamin): This vitamin acts on the energy production, the metabolism of glucids and the operation of the nervous system. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): It also acts on the energy production and the metabolism of glucids but also on other processes. She plays a part in the vision, the health of the skin and the mucous membranes like in the metabolism of the lipids and proteins. Vitamin B3 (niacine): The niacine plays a part in the metabolism of glucids, proteins and the lipids. She has an effect on the synthesis of the sex hormones and the production of the red globules. B5 vitamin (pantothenic acid): Does this vitamin act on the nervous transmission, the production of energy and of the red globules. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxin): Person in charge of the transport of the oxygen and the production of the red globules, it day also a role in the synthesis of proteins and the regulation of the glycemia. Vitamin B8 (biotine): It allows the good performance of the metabolism of glucids, the lipids and proteins. B9 vitamin (folic acid or folate): The B9 vitamin acts on the operation of the nervous systems and immunizing like on the cicatrization of the wounds. Vitamin B12 (cobalamine or cyanocobalamine): She plays a part in the operation of the nervous system, the production of the red globules and the transport of oxygen.
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  • B Complex
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