Elm (Ulmus campestris) bud BIO, 50 ml

from Alphagem
(On stock)
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Elm is THE bud of the skin thanks to its draining action of the skin, it solves most skin problems such as herpes, acne, eczema.

Elm is THE bud of the skin

The elm bud is THE bud of the skin thanks to its draining action of the skin, it solves most skin problems such as herpes, acne, eczema .. ( Excerpts from the Treatise of Gemmotherapy , Ph Andrianne, 2011, Ed Amyris ).


  • Adults : 5 to 15 drops a day, to be taken outside of meals, directly on the tongue (keep the product for a few seconds in the mouth before swallowing). The drops can also be diluted in a glass of water.
  • Children up to 13 years : 3 to 8 drops a day.
  • Babies : 1 to 3 drops a day in the bottle. When the mother breastfeeds, it is she who takes the remedy for the adult dosage.


Vegetable glycerin *, alcohol * (35%), water, elm.
 * product from organic farming.


Dropper bottle of 50 ml.

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Comment (3) -
Comments from others countries
Elm (Ulmus campestris) bud
45-55 years Gender
4 5

Semble efficace pour le but recherché
Elm (Ulmus campestris) bud
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Produit conseillé par une naturopathe suite à problème de peau, résultat très satisfaisant,
Elm (Ulmus campestris) bud
> 65 years Gender
3 5

j'ai pris l'orme pour tenter d'améliorer ma peau, il y a un mieux mais c'est pas encore ça. Peut-être me faudra-t-il continuer ?
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