Tampons without a super-plus applicator BIO, 20 pieces

from Natracare
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Unbleached with chlorine and 100% organic cotton, these pads are safe for your health and suitable for larger flows.

Super Plus pad without applicator Natracare: only organic cotton without perfume and chlorine


Natracare was developed in 1989 to directly address health and environmental concerns regarding dioxin pollution caused by chlorine bleaching, radiation use in tampons and widespread use of pesticides on conventionally grown cotton.


These tampons without a Super Plus Natracare applicator are:
  • respectful of your health and the environment (reduction of pollution caused by chlorine bleaching)


Super Plus Natracare Tampons without applicator are 100% ORGANIC, organic, biodegradable, fragrance-free and chlorine-free.

Special precautions

CAUTION: Buffers are associated with Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), a rare but serious disease that can be fatal. Please read and retain the enclosed information.


A pack of 20 pads without a Super Plus applicator
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