Shitake, a Japanese mushroom, is an appreciable reinforcement for your vitality and your natural defenses.
The mushroom star
Daily consumed in China, shiitake is one of the most cultivated mushrooms in the world. A success undoubtedly due to its great richness in nutrients: vitamins of group B, essential amino acids, trace elements, minerals. So imagine the benefits of this optimized nutritional contribution in a highly concentrated extract like that from the Bio-Life laboratory: an appreciable reinforcement for your vitality and your natural defenses.
Increases vigor
Strengthens natural defenses
Intervenes on cognitive functions
Rich in lentinan
Natural source of group B vitamins, essential amino acids, trace elements and minerals
1 capsules per day maximum.
Per capsule: Shii Take extract 150 mg (equivalent to 2.7 g of plant powder) Content in: ß-glucans min. 15 mg / gel.
Special precautions
Store in a dry place away from direct sunlight.
Ideal storage temperature: 15-25 ° C.
Respect the recommended daily doses.
Cannot replace a healthy and balanced diet.
Jar (in biodegradable and recyclable cardboard, recyclable plastic lid) of 60 vegetable capsules be-life BioLife Laboratory
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