Seeds germinate - Quinoa BIO, 200 g

from Germ'line
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Naturally gluten free, the Germline sprouts Quinoa has exceptional nutritional qualities and a sweet and delicate flavor.

Naturally gluten free, the Germline sprouts Quinoa has exceptional nutritional qualities and a sweet and delicate flavor.

Seeds to sprout quinoa
Naturally gluten free, the Germline sprouts Quinoa has exceptional nutritional qualities and a sweet and delicate flavor.
Did you know?
Quinoa comes from the Spanish "quinoa", itself derived from the Quechua "kinwa". The Incas called quinoa "chisiya mama," which in Quechua means "mother of all grains". It is a traditional plant cultivated for over 5,000 years in the highlands of South America. Quinoa is still the center of the power of the Indian Bolivian Altiplano.


Germination increases the natural content of vitamins seeds, and promote the assimilation of minerals.


Degree of ease: quick and easy.If you are new germination, we recommend the book sprouted seeds, living energy explosion Catherine Oudot: tips, recipes, explanations, etc.


  • Soaking time: 2 h
  • Watering: 1 to 2 times per day
  • Germination time: 2 to 3 days
  • Germoir advised: hotbed storey Germline.
Quinoa germ quickly, and can quickly ferment (acid smell). Be sure to aerate regularly to prevent excess moisture and stagnation.


Sprouted quinoa seeds are consumed at will in salads and raw vegetables as an appetizer in trays of endives, or cooked in your dishes.


100% seeds germinated quinoa (Chenopodium), from organic agriculture.Origin: Bolivia.

Special precautions

  • Keep your seeds to germinate in their original packaging at room temperature in a dry place.
  • Your sprouts are best fresh. If you do not consume them immediately, keep them 4-5 days after harvest, in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
  • Packaged in a factory that uses nuts, cereals containing gluten, mustard.


Doypack (200g resealable bag)
Packaged in France

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