Fill the tank with vitality with this royal jello of large a purity.
The taking away of royal jello in the hives are carried out so as to guarantee the durability and the viability of the swarms of bee. Each batch is controlled in order to guarantee the absence of contaminants.
To vigorously agitate the bottle before use.
The Royal Jello without alcohol is consumed pure or diluted in water or fruit juice, during the meal, the morning or at midday.
- Amount of attack (adult and children as from 12 years): to drink 25 ml corresponding to 2000 Mg of pure royal jello per day.
- Amount of maintenance (adult and children as from 12 years): to drink 12.5 ml corresponding to 1000 Mg of pure royal jello per day.
- Children from 6 to 12 years : to drink 6.25 ml, corresponding to 500 Mg of royal jello.
- Children from 3 to 6 years : to drink 3 ml corresponding to 250 Mg of royal jello (recommended medical opinion).
To consume the entirety of the bottle without interruption.
To preserve at the expenses after opening and to consume the product in the month.
The color, the odor and the taste of this product can vary without affecting its quality and its effectiveness of it. This is due to the natural character of the ingredients.
Syrup of tapioca*, concentrated juice of apple*, water, syrup of agave*, royal jello* (2000 mg/25 ml), honey of acacia* (624 mg/25 ml).
*Resulting of the organic farming - Controlled by Certisys BE-BIO-01.
It is advised not to exceed the quantity by day recommanded.
Disadvised with the people allergic to the products of the hive and in the event of asthma.
To hold out of reach from young children.
Bottle of 250 ml in a case out of paperboard.