Vit. B6 - B3 - B1 help the nervous and psychological systems work properly
Vit. B6 - B3 - B1 help the nervous and psychological systems work properly
Contains passiflora and tryptophan.
Passiflora has sedative properties that regulate sleep.
Helps in going to sleep.
Relaxing and calming.
1 capsule maximum by day, apart from the meals.
L-Tryptophane 200 mg
Passiflore extrait concentré x 5 50 mg
Vitamine B3 16 mg
Vitamine B1 3,3 mg
Vitamine B6 5,12 mg
Special precautions
According to medical opinion in the event of pregnancy or of breast feeding.
Not to use prolonged without opinion of a therapeutist.
To preserve at dryness and the shelter of the sun.
Ideal temperature of storage: 15-25 °C.
To respect the amounts advised by day.
Cannot replace a healthy and balanced food.
Ecological packing. Pot (out of paperboard biodegradable and which can be recycled, plastic lid which can be recycled) of 60 vegetable capsules Be-life BioLife laboratory
This website contains a significant amount of informations. It is not a medical website. The exempted reflections, cannot in no case to replace a consultation in a doctor or a therapeutist that it returns to you to contact for your follow-up.