Recipe book "Becoming a Super Food Chef"

from Purasana
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Do you want to incorporate super food into your daily menus? This book contains recipes and tips to help you eat healthy.

Superfoods in practice: ideas and daily tips

Superfoods do not contain any synthetic additives and are very rich in vital elements. More and more people are incorporating them into their menus every day because they want to eat healthy and appreciate the taste of unprocessed products.

This book is a source of inspiration for using superfoods in your own kitchen. Not only to mix them into your smoothies but also to prepare excellent dishes: a quick and healthy breakfast, a delicious lunch or a surprise snack ...

All recipes have been carefully developed by an experienced chef and food nutrition consultant. They are perfectly balanced both in terms of taste and their nutritional values. This will make it even easier for you to integrate superfoods into your daily life and to overflow with tone and vitality.

"Becoming a Super Food Chef", Purasana, 93 p.
Dimensions of the book: H. 24.8 cm x L. 19.8 cm

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Recipe book "Becoming a Super Food Chef"
> 65 years Gender
5 5

De belle recettes, surtout pour les jus de légumes, mais il faut un extracteur de jus?
Recipe book "Becoming a Super Food Chef"
25-35 years Gender
4 5

Parfait quand on se pas comment utiliser les produits super food.
Recipe book "Becoming a Super Food Chef"
35-45 years Gender
5 5

Ravie, pleins d'idées, merci pour cette découverte
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