Ma Belle Potagère is a French brand whose leitmotif is to offer organic gardeners the finest qualities of vegetable seeds at the best price. The seeds of La Belle Potagère are organic and reproducible!
From the apiaceae family, parsley appreciates moist soil.
I sow at the same time: Cultivated arugula Easter pink radish Raxe radish The Giant Italian Parsley has broad, flat and very fragrant leaves. It can accompany your salads, dishes and soups.
Companionship, do you know? Companion is the art of associating (or dissociating) a vegetable side by side with another vegetable, herb or fruit. Each vegetable, herb or fruit is then a buddy with the other (one hunts pests or attracts them, for example) .This helps to promote an abundant and healthy harvest without the use of chemicals or pesticides.
Here is the list for a perfect wedding:
aubergine radish tomato Seeds of Petroselinum crispum ssp.L.