Onion Sturon BIO, 1g

from La Belle Potagère
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The round and slightly elongated Sturon onion bulb is eaten in spring or summer.

Homemade onions!


Ma Belle Potagère is a French brand whose leitmotif is to offer organic gardeners the finest qualities of vegetable seeds at the best price. The seeds of La Belle Potagère are organic and reproducible!



This round and slightly elongated variety of onion is eaten fresh in spring or ripe in summer. Its diameter is approximately 7 cm.

Association possible

Companionship, do you know?
Companion is the art of associating (or dissociating) a vegetable side by side with another vegetable, herb or fruit. Each vegetable, herb or fruit is then a buddy with the other (one hunts pests or attracts them, for example) .This helps to promote an abundant and healthy harvest without the use of chemicals or pesticides.

Here is the list for a perfect wedding:


Sow the seeds 1 cm deep every 10 cm. Remember to space the rows by 20 cm. It takes about 10 days to see the emerging seedlings. Water if necessary when the bulbs are growing. If you want to eat young onions, it is done in the spring. If you prefer them ripe, you will have to wait until summer! For harvesting, you can tear off the onions and leave them to dry on the ground for several days. Sowing:
March April May

August September


Seeds Allium Cepa L.


Packet of reproducible seeds of 1g
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