Nettle (Active ingredient)

Two varieties of nettle are employed in phytotherapy: the prickly nettle (urtica dioica or urtica urens) and the white dead-nettle (lamium album). The prickly nettle is part of the family of urticacées. Plant with the multiple virtues, it acts on the whole of the organization. Diuretic and cleansing, the dioïque nettle controls the disorders of the micturition, and helps to drain the organization. Anti-inflammatory drug and analgesics, it alleviates the painful articulations. Astringent and healing, it is also useful to treat the acne. The white dead-nettle, as for it, belonged to the family of lamiacées. The white tinsel maker is famous for his astringent properties, expectorantes, tonics and antioxydant. In internal use, white dead-nettle makes it possible to relieve the minor gynaecological disorders (painful rules, vaginal discharge...) but also urinary problems.
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