This staple of the aid kit is named on the strength of that famous feline that can compare to the powerful action of balm.
Tiger Balm provides a pleasant feeling of warmth followed by cold feeling by massage.
Rapidly absorbed by the skin it leaves no greasy feeling.
This balm is ideal for use before, during and after sports practice, in case of muscle fatigue.
Most: Tiger Balm can also be used as a balm for the chest to breathe more freely through the nose.
Paraben, PEG or PPG, no dyes or synthetic fragrances, without raw material of animal origin.
Main Ingredients:
Camphor, menthol, essential oil of cajeput, menthedémentholisée essential oil, essential oil of cloves, essential oil of Chinese cinnamon, eugenol, cinnamal, limonene, coumarin, linaloolActifs (44%): camphor, menthol, essential oil of cajeput, huileessentielle démentholisée of mint, clove essential oil, essential oil of cinnamon China.
Allergen: eugenol, cinnamal, limonene, coumarin, linalool.
Solvent: liquid paraffin.
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