Cordiagem (Circulation Complex) BIO, 30 ml

from Herbalgem
(On stock)
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Cordiagem helps regulate blood pressure and to improve traffic flow.

Cordiagem helps regulate blood pressure and to improve traffic flow.

Mistletoe is a plant used by our ancestors to regulate pressure problems. Combined with the bulb of the garlic, traffic thins and the hawthorn bud, which balances all of the mixture, the Cordiagem is beneficial for the entire cardiovascular system.


  • Traffic thins.
  • Helps to regulate the heartbeat.
  • Beneficial for the cardiovascular system.
  • Relieves oppression.
  • No side effects.


  • Young shoots mistletoe help regulate the voltage and act on cholesterol.
  • The hawthorn bud acts on the tension and balance the mix.
  • The bulb of garlic thins the bear traffic.


5 to 15 drops per day around noon, pure (hold 20 seconds in the mouth on the tongue) or diluted in a little water, or even better diluted in a tablespoon DEPURASEVE , all in bottled water ¾ L. Start with a low dosage and gradually increase until the desired effect.In cure, 3 weeks of daily use, then one week off for 3 months.In maintenance, one week per month.

Possible association

It is always better to associate the DEPURASEVE , it allows the elimination of toxins in the body and remineralization of it.
Other possible combinations:
  • VENAGEM (heavy legs complex)
  • MEMOGEM (memory complex)
  • Depuragem (detoxing complex)


Bud hawthorn mistletoe shoots, garlic bear alcohol (35%), water, vegetable glycerin.Ingredients from organic farming.


(Formerly: Cordiabase / Gemmobase)50 ml bottle
Organic Farming Label
Comment (40) -
Comments from others countries
Cordiagem (Circulation Complex)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Cela ne remplace évidemment pas mon traitement contre l'hypertension mais peut être que sur du long terme, j'y parviendrai.
Cordiagem (Circulation Complex)
35-45 years Gender
5 5

Très bien pour la tension
Cordiagem (Circulation Complex)
5 5

En cours pour hypertension.
Cordiagem (Circulation Complex)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Super éfficace pour faire diminuer la tension, 15 gouttes le matin, je viens d'aller chez le cardiologue: 14/8
Cordiagem (Circulation Complex)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Très bien, conforme à mes attentes, je recommande ! ET SANS EFFET demandant un autre médoc !!!!
Cordiagem (Circulation Complex)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Produit employé pour faire baisser la tention & ralentir le coeur qui s'emballe
Cordiagem (Circulation Complex)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Me convient parfaitement, il remplace petit a petit le médicament pour la tension.
Dommage que l'ont ne peu en commandé qu'une bouteille a la fois, car actuellement prend 15gouttes le matin+ 1/2 medoc a 13h que j'aimerais remplacer par 15autres gouttes
Cordiagem (Circulation Complex)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Je connais vos produits...
Cordiagem (Circulation Complex)
45-55 years Gender
5 5

produit efficase me convenant trés bien
Cordiagem (Circulation Complex)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

effet très satisfaisant
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