Elderberry (Sambucus Nigra) bud BIO, 15 ml

from Herbalgem
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Draining, elderberry bud Herbalgem improves digestion, helps relieve joint pain and to eliminate toxins.

Draining, elderberry bud Herbalgem improves digestion, helps relieve joint pain and to eliminate toxins.

Elderberry: bud elimination
Elderberry is a common plant in the funds of valleys rich in alluvium and organic materials. The plant likes the non decomposed organic matter. In gemmotherapy, black elderberry bud Herbalgem is a valuable aid in the case of slow digestion by promoting faster decomposition of food. It acts as favorably if bowel problem.


The Elderberry:
  • Helps eliminate toxins accumulated in the body.
  • Is indicated in cases of slow digestion.
  • Helps relieve pain in the joints.


The bud extract of black elderberry Herbalgem also available in bottles of 50 ml .


5-15 drops of elderberry daily between meals, pure or diluted in source water, or better yet, diluted in a tablespoon DEPURASEVE , all in a bottle of water ¾ L drink throughout the day. Start with a low dosage and gradually increase until the desired effect.In cure, 3 weeks of daily use, then one week off for 3 months.In maintenance, one week per month.

Possible association

It is always better to associate the DEPURASEVE , it allows the elimination of toxins in the body and remineralization of it.For joint problems, one can associate the elder bud:
For weight problems can be associated elderberry bud:
  • L-Carni
tine 750


Sambucus nigra, bud extract
Elderberry buds *, * alcohol (35%), water, vegetable glycerin.
* Ingredients from organic farming.


15 ml bottle
Organic Farming Label

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