Membrasin Omega 7, 60 capsules

from Membrasin
(On stock)
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Membrasin Omega 7 has a beneficial effect on the dry mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes and skin.

For a long-lasting treatment, Membrasin Omega 7 is available in packaging of 150 capsules at a more economical price.

Membrasin: beneficial for dry skin and mucous membranes

Membrasin contains omega 7 obtained from pure oil extracted from the flesh and seeds of sea buckthorn berries.
It has a beneficial effect on the dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes, skin and vagina.
Membrasin Omega 7 helps you produce fatty acids in addition to those produced by your body.

Membrasin Omega 7 also provides you with an antioxidant naturally found in sea buckthorn berry oil.

Membrasin, for whom?
  • Women during menopause.
  • Postmenopausal women.
  • people with Sjörgen syndrome .
  • People who suffer from dry eyes and / or mouth.


  • for dry mucous membranes: eyes, nose, mouth and vagina
  • for dry skin
  • rich in omega-7 thanks to sea buckthorn berry oil


Take 2 capsules, 2 times a day (preferably during the meal).
After 6 weeks, the dose can be reduced to 1 capsules 2x per day, always with meals.
Not suitable for children under 4 years old.


The recommended daily portion (4 capsules) contains :
  • sea buckthorn oil: 2000 mg
  • Fatty acids:
- palmitoleic acid: 47 6mg
- cis-Vaccine acid: 120 mg
- oleic acid: 360 mg
- linoleic acid: 340 mg
- palmitic acid: 420 mg
- alpha linolenic acid: 260 mg
  • vitamin E: 8 mg (67% Recommended Daily Allowance)
  • Vitamin A: 800 mcg (100% Recommended Daily Allowance)


Sea buckthorn berry oil, anti-oxidants (D-alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene, rosemary extract).
May contain traces of soya lecithin.
Membrasin contains no sugar, gluten, lactose, preservatives, coloring or flavoring.
Perfect for vegetarians.

Special precautions

  • Respect the daily doses.
  • A dietary supplement does not replace a varied and balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle.
  • Store away from light in a dark place at room temperature.
  • Keep out of the reach of young children.


box of 60 vegicapsules (vegetable capsules).

The process of extracting oil from sea buckthorn berries is based on supercritical CO² technology ,
an environmentally friendly process!
  • Carbon dioxide is used there instead of traditional organic solutions
  • The extraction process is oxygen free
  • Use of temperate temperatures for heating instead of high temperatures

The advantages of this process for Membrasin :
  • No deposit or sediment in the product
  • No impact due to oxidation or high temperature for polyunsaturated fatty acids
  • No loss of active natural components like vitamins
  • No formation of trans fatty acids.

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Comment (21) -
Comments from others countries
Membrasin Omega 7
> 65 years Gender
4 5

Même avis que le précédent
Membrasin Omega 7
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Très bon produit que j utilise depuis plusieurs années je n ai rien trouvé de mieux pour me soulager le syndrome sec ( maladie de gougerot)
Je recommande vivement et souhaite les mêmes améliorations et le confort a tous les consommateurs
Membrasin Omega 7
55-65 years Gender
4 5

Trop tôt pour en voir les bénéfices.
Membrasin Omega 7
> 65 years Gender
3 5

Je suis en cours de traitement.... il faudrait encore un mois pour connaître l’effet de ces gélules.
Membrasin Omega 7
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Produit que j'utilise depuis plusieurs années. Efficace pour éviter les coups de soleil
Membrasin Omega 7
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Très satisfaite . Mon grain de peau s est amélioré après une prise de 3 semaines .
Membrasin Omega 7
> 65 years Gender
4 5

J'ai pu noter une amélioration au niveau de la sécheresse oculaire, mais je pense qu'il ne faut pas arrêter le traitement trop rapidement....
Membrasin Omega 7
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Ma peau et mes ongles me remercient d'avoir commandé ce produit !!!
Membrasin Omega 7
55-65 years Gender
3 5

trop top pour en estimer les benefices
Membrasin Omega 7
> 65 years Gender
3 5

J'ai pu noté une amélioration au niveau de la sécheresse oculaire.... je pense qu'il faut poursuivre le traitement....
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