Gymnema Sylvestris BIO, 60 capsules

from AYur-Vana
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Ayur-vana's Gymnema Sylvestris is an Ayurvedic food supplement that helps you reduce your cravings for sweet foods.

Gymnema sylvestris: Ayurvedic food supplement

Want to break with sugar? Gymnema Sylvestris helps keep blood sugar levels normal and reduces cravings for sugar.


One of the fascinating theories of Ayurveda is the so-called signature theory. This very old theory suggests that nature gives clues that allow us to know the therapeutic value of plants. So, when one chews Gymnema Sylvestre leaves, the tongue is unable to feel the sweet flavor for about an hour. This effect is at the origin of the Hindi name of this plant, gurmar, which means “destroyer of sweet”. Ayurvedic doctors concluded that if this plant neutralizes the effect of sugar on the tongue, it could have the same effect on the body.

Gymnema Sylvestre (or Sylvestris) is a climbing plant native to the tropical forests of India and commonly found in southern and central India.


Ayurvedic indications: Gymnema Sylvestris soothes the Kâpha and is neutral for Pitta and Vâta.


2 capsules 30 minutes before meals with a large glass of water.
Outside of mealtimes, open the capsules and spread their contents on the tongue.


Ingredients for 6 capsules: Gymnema sylvestris * 1470 mg. Anti-caking agent: Colloidal silica, vegetable capsule (hypromellose) 420 mg.
 * Product from organic farming certified by Ecocert FR - BIO - 01.

Plants native to India. Capsule filling, packaging, bacteriological and heavy metal analyzes carried out in France.

Special precautions

  • Do not exceed recommended doses.
  • Store in a cool, dry place.
  • Keep out of the reach of children.
  • This product should not replace a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.


60 vegetable capsules of 317 mg.
Net weight: 19.02 g
Comment (6) -
Comments from others countries
Gymnema Sylvestris
45-55 years Gender
3 5

Pas encore de résultats,mais,je ne désespère pas
Gymnema Sylvestris
35-45 years Gender
5 5

Bon produit efficace bonne qualité
Gymnema Sylvestris
> 65 years Gender
4 5

Agréable à prendre, efficace pour couper le goût du sucre
Gymnema Sylvestris
> 65 years Gender
3 5

résultats irréguliers. Je n'ai pas vraiment compris quel résultat en attendre : faut-il complétement supprimer l'apport sucré, ou seulement chercher à le contrôler ?
Gymnema Sylvestris
55-65 years Gender
3 5

Moins efficace que la dernière fois que je l'ai utilisé....
Gymnema Sylvestris
35-45 years Gender
4 5

J'ai fait une petite cure de 2 semaines, et je trouve ce produit assez efficace.

J'ai l'impression que le goût du produit est assez semblable à de la terre donc inutile de vous dire qu'il n'est pas très agréable à avaler, sinon son effet est juste impressionnant. Je consomme beaucoup moins de sucre qu'auparavant et de plus, j'ai l'impression qu'il a un effet accélérateur sur la digestion.
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