Ferrotone, 14 sachets

from Ferrotone
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Ferrotone is a 100% natural spring water, which provides additional iron to the body which is easily digested by your organism!

Are you poorly digesting your iron supplement? Ferrotone is your solution!

Ferrotone is a 100% natural spring water , naturally rich in iron sulphate, allowing excellent assimilation by the body and by the stomach , without effect on the natural intestinal transit.

The daily iron requirement in women is about 2 mg, compared to 1 to 1.5 mg in men and children.
However, the recommended amount is 14 mg. This difference is explained by the relative poor assimilation of iron contained in common foods. Our body assimilates on average only 5 to 20% of the iron present in our usual diet !!!

A sachet of Ferrotone contains 5 mg of Iron, therefore one third of the recommended amount. However, as the iron in Ferrotone is better absorbed by the body (up to 40%), just one sachet per day is sufficient to provide you with 100% of your daily iron requirement.

Ferrotone, for whom?
  • the women
  • men
  • during pregnancy
  • children from 2 years old
  • sportsmen
  • over 60s


  • In case of chronic fatigue
  • To strengthen our immune system
  • For the energy of the pregnant woman or during the menstruation
  • For better oxygenation of cells and respiratory functions
  • Contributes to our vital energy


One sachet (20 ml) per day.
However, if you know that your iron deficiency is severe, then take 2 sachets of Ferrotone per day.
During pregnancy , a maximum intake of 2 sachets per day is authorized.
The recommended daily dosage of 1 sachet of 20 ml contains 5 mg of iron (34% of the Recommended Daily Dose of iron).


You will immediately feel the taste of Ferrotone iron. So expect a little metallic taste!
This is why we advise you to add the contents of the sachet to a glass of water , or preferably to a fruit juice (no grape juice!) Because vitamin C strengthens the rate of iron assimilation. by our organization.

Avoid grape juice, tea, wine, dairy products, calcium supplements, pure cereals, and carbonated drinks which decrease your body's rate of iron absorption.


100% natural spring water with a high level of iron (sulphate) and no other additives, from Trefiew Wells Spa springs in Snowdonia, Wales.

Special precautions

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
To preserve its quality and freshness, keep the product tightly closed in a dry place at normal room temperature, out of the reach of children.
Taking a food supplement does not in any way replace the content of a varied and balanced meal or the practice of a healthy lifestyle.


14 sachets of 20 ml each.

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Comment (6) -
Comments from others countries
35-45 years Gender
5 5

Parfait. Comme toujours.
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Avec un jus de fruit ça passe sans souci.
45-55 years Gender
4 5

goût de fer prononcé, à boire avec du jus d'orange! Mais a l'air efficace!
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Produit qui n'agresse pas les muqueuses digestives et très efficace.
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Produits très efficaces pour combattre l'anémie sans effets secondaires
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Produits très efficaces pour combattre l'anémie sans effets secondaires
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