About Apitherapy
This website contains a significant amount of informations. It is not a medical website. The exempted reflections, cannot in no case to replace a consultation in a doctor or a therapeutist that it returns to you to contact for your follow-up.
The apithérapie is an ancestral practical which consists in looking after (as well to cure itself as to take care of oneself) thanks to the substances manufactured by the bees.The apithérapie makes it possible to improve and maintain the health of the human beings; it can also be used for all the animals. With this intention, one uses honey, the propolis, wax, the venom of bees, the royal jello and the bread of bees . Most proposals of the apithérapie were not established scientifically and do not answer the standards of traditional medicine.
According to the papyrus of Thèbes, writes in 1870 before J.C, the Egyptians nourished and looked after already their children with honey. Hippocrates used honey in many preparations and recommended it of offsite use for the processing of the wounds.
Recent studies carried out in the world testify to undeniable therapeutic effects of all that the bees give us. The apithérapie currently has an important place among the therapies known as “soft”.”
Le miel
Honey is a natural dietary product with the remarkable organoleptic properties . It is an energy food which is quickly assimilated, its sweetening capacity is higher than that of sugar (saccharose). Honey contains on average 5% from saccharose, maltose 6%, 30% of glucose, 40% of fructose, the organic acids, the trace elements.Honey is recommended like food but also in application on the wounds . Recent researches undertaken to the university of Waikato in New Zealand highlighted the antibiotic properties of honey. A produced specific enzyme of hydrogen peroxide, a recognized disinfectant whose content is ten times higher than that of other honey's. Honey can under certain conditions effective being on bacteria multiresistant and seems to have properties anti-inflammatory.
the royal gel
The royal jello, when it is sufficiently fresh, is indicated for to fight tiredness, the weakness, the asthenia, the depression, the light depression, the amenorrhoea and the dysmenorrhoea . It can be consumed pure or prepared with honey. It is a fragile substance which asks for precautions of harvest, hygiene, transport.The pollen
Pollen is recommended for to improve the physical performances . Its wealth of vitamins of the group B in fact an invaluable combined of your skin and your hair . It is recommended to consume it mixed with honey and water, the morning with empty stomach.The propolis
The propolis has many indications:External way:
- treat genital herpes
- to accelerate cure of the wounds of the oral mucous membrane
Internal way:
to *prevent and treat the infections of the respiratory tracts, the infections bacterial, viral and parasitic (intestinal, vaginal infections and of the respiratory tracts).the venom of bee
Venom is used for to look after the rheumatic affections, the chronic arthritises, certain inflammatory diseases and the multiple sclerosis .Venom is managed on the zones to look after, either directly by punctures of bee, or diluted using syringes. When the bee pricks, its dart remains planted in the skin, when it is withdrawn, part of the abdomen is torn off, which results in its death. One can today extract venom from the bee without resulting in his death.
One also finds venom of bee under various presentations: creams, lotions, tablets, drops used in the processing of arthritis, the ignitions of the tendons and the articulations and the skin troubles.
The apipuncture is a combination of the treatment the venom of bee and acupuncture . It is employed in the processing of the epilepsy, incontinence and the arthritic disorders. Venom can be managed either by deposit on the point of acupuncture, or by immersion of the needle in a solution before stimulation.
The venom of bee is also used in the processing of the multiple sclerosis. It is a basic element in the arsenal of the substances used in the therapeutic homeopathic one: apis mellifica is in general prescribed in dilutions going of 5 with 30 CH.
This website contains a significant amount of informations. It is not a medical website. The exempted reflections, cannot in no case to replace a consultation in a doctor or a therapeutist that it returns to you to contact for your follow-up.