The Terra Madre brand has the Sahyadry association in India, which has nearly 2000 members. This association trains and supports the development of high quality agriculture, in the rules and values of organic agriculture and fair trade .
The second association is Sofa, Sri Lanka; it is an association of small producers with more than 2000 members producing teas and spices. The association in association allows producers to sustain their income, to ensure financial stability, to maintain the social link between the population and thus the development of an economic and social fabric in the region.
And also Sekem in Egypt and many small producers in Europe.
The main values of the Terra Madre brand are: • Sharing: living and cooking means sharing discoveries and recipes • Mutual benefits: ensuring the sustainability of producers in the North and South • Authenticity: the products are exclusively from organic agriculture • Discovering: cooking is traveling and escaping • Modernity: blends adapted to contemporary cuisine • Unrivaled artisanal freshness: it is by combining the best spices that you get the best best blends
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