
Tadé : Discover products
A collaboration between Mr. Thaddée de Slizewicz and the Levantine Mediterranean led to the creation of the brand Tadé. Of Syrian origin and sold in France since 1994, Tadé is a range of natural and authentic cosmetics based on the Mediterranean art of living.

The Tadé brand was conceived with the help of local artisans and manufacturers in Syria and from ancestral know-how. It allowed many Syrians to earn a living, with hope and dignity from their craft.

All Tadé products meet the criteria of quality, authenticity, well-being and elegance, while respecting nature and mankind. Its founder, Mr. Thaddée de Slizewicz, guarantees the source of all Aleppo TADE and ALEPO SOAP Co soaps by labeling each packaging with the mandatory regulatory inscription "Made in Syria", certifying its authenticity.
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