Unlike conventional sanitary napkins which are made of almost 90% plastic, Natracare pads are made from compostable, biodegradable and renewable materials, including organic cotton.
In addition, Natracare pads are made of natural materials protecting women's skin against direct contact with irritating synthetic and chemical products found in conventional hygienic pads.
Rewarded for its action, Natracare is committed to providing organic and natural solutions through its care products, which aim at preserving the Earth's resources and hence respecting future generations.
Organic and natural materials are used for all Natracare feminine hygiene products and baby care products. These materials meet very strict biological, environmental and biodegradable standards.
Natracare has the following certifications among others: Triodos Bank (Women In Ethical Business Awards), Ethical Award, Soil Association Organic, Vegetarian Society Vegan Approved and Made Safe.
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